Patient Relations
Patient Relations is here to help ensure that your experience with Baton Rouge Cardiology Center is a good one. If you or a family member have a question or concern about your care, please let us know. We suggest you first discuss your concerns with your nurse, department manager and doctor. If your concern remains unresolved, the Patient Relations staff or a supervisor is available to help you reach a resolution or to provide more information.
How to Submit Feedback
If you would like to submit a complaint, compliment or other feedback, complete our online feedback form, or email or fax the Patient Visitor Report Form to Patient Relations.
Patient Safety and Rights
Patient Privacy
Baton Rouge Cardiology Center is committed to protecting your medical information. For information about your rights and the obligations we have regarding the use and disclosure of your medical information, please see our Notice of Privacy Practices.
Patient Rights
For information about patient rights, please visit Policies.
Patient Safety
To report a patient safety issue, call the Nursing Supervisor at (225) 769-0933 at any time.
Nondiscrimination and Sexual Misconduct
Baton Rouge Cardiology Center is dedicated to the principle of treating each community member with respect and dignity. To learn more about our commitment to nondiscrimination and how patients can report sexual misconduct experienced in a clinical setting, please visit .